I receive orders of custom-made statues as well as repairs for statues that are designated as cultural properties. Here are some examples of custom-made statues. My motto is to make unique statues that are passed on to the next generation by consulting with clients intently and carefully.
Nichirinzan Yakuoji TempleJizo Bodhisattva Standing Statue
- Name
- Jizo Bodhisattva Standing Statue
- Production Year
- 2023
- Materials
- wood, crystal, iron, copper, pigments
- Size
- 65cm
Itoku-in Gokuraku-ji Templemobile shrine and wooden statue of Kobo Daishi
- Name
- mobile shrine and wooden statue of Kobo Daishi
- Production Year
- 2023
- Materials
- wood, crystal
- Size
- 17cm
- Contractor
- cabinet and chair:Kiyoshi Iwashita
certain templeIncense Burner with Engraved Kiriku Characters
- Name
- Incense Burner with Engraved Kiriku Characters
- Production Year
- 2023
- Materials
- cherry blossom, ebony, lacquer
- Size
- 15cm×15cm×8cm
Toshodaiji TempleShubi
- Name
- Shubi
- Production Year
- 2023
- Owner / Location
- Toshodaiji Temple
- Materials
- wood, lacquer, rush, clasp
Kanshoin TempleThe Standing Statue of Yakushi Nyorai
- Name
- The Standing Statue of Yakushi Nyorai
- Production Year
- 2022
- Owner / Location
- Kanshoin Temple [ website ]
- Materials
- wood, crystal, pigments
- Size
- 66cm
Toshodaiji TempleThe Seated Statue of The Priest Chikai Kitagawa
- Name
- The Seated Statue of The Priest Chikai Kitagawa
- Production Year
- 2021
- Owner / Location
- Toshodaiji Temple
- Materials
- wood, lacquer, gold leaf, pigments, dye
- Size
- 90cm
- Contractor
- Coloring : Shigemi Yasuhara
Jyukushian TempleThe Standing Statue of Amitabha Buddha
- Name
- The Standing Statue of Amitabha Buddha
- Production Year
- 2020
- Owner / Location
- Jyukushian Temple [ website ]
- Materials
- wood, obsidian, crystal, lacquer, pigments
- Size
- 62cm
shimotsukeyakushiji TempleThe Restoration of The Standing Statue of Yakushi Nyorai
- Name
- The Restoration of The Standing Statue of Yakushi Nyorai
- Production Year
- 2018
- Owner / Location
- Toshodaiji Temple
- Materials
- wood
- Size
- 225cm
Kongoshinin TempleThe Restoration of The Standing Statue of Nyorai
- Name
- The Restoration of The Standing Statue of Nyorai
- Production Year
- 2015
- Owner / Location
- The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts
- Materials
- wood, lacquer, pigments, dye
- Size
- 95.6cm
Shinnyoen Shinchoji TempleThe Wooden Standing Statue of the Eleven-faced Kannon Bodhisattva
- Name
- The Wooden Standing Statue of the Eleven-faced Kannon Bodhisattva
- Repairment Year
- 2023~2024
- Owner / Location
- Hanzomon Museum [ website ]
- Materials
- Japanese cypress
- Size
- 79.8cm
Kaiyosan Kansho-inWooden Statue of Nikko-Gakkou Bodhisattva
- Name
- Wooden Statue of Nikko-Gakkou Bodhisattva
- Repairment Year
- 2022
- Owner / Location
- Kaiyosan Kansho-in [ website ]
- Materials
- wood, lacquer, goled leaf, pigments
- Size
- approximately 60cm
Kaiosan Kansho-in Wooden Statue of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
- Name
- Wooden Statue of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
- Repairment Year
- 2022
- Owner / Location
- Kaiosan Kansho-in [ website ]
- Materials
- wood, lacquer, gold leaf, pigments
- Size
- approximately 45cm
NenbutsujiThe Wooden Sitting Statue of Yakushi Nyorai
- Name
- The Wooden Sitting Statue of Yakushi Nyorai
- Repairment Year
- 2021
- Owner / Location
- Nenbutsuji
- Materials
- wood, lacquer, gold leaf, pigments
- Size
- 90.0cm
Nishi Hachiryusha ShrineThe Sacred Tree of Nishi Hachiryusha Shrine
- Name
- The Sacred Tree of Nishi Hachiryusha Shrine
- Repairment Year
- 2019
- Owner / Location
- Nishi Hachiryusha Shrine
- Materials
- Japanese cedar
- Size
- 6.3m
- Contractor
- Yatomi Seizai Corporation [ website ]
Other Repairment
- 2013年
- Chiba prefecture Nagoji Temple : Wooden Statue of the Enma's head
Chiba prefecture Nagoji Temple : Wooden Sitting Statue of the Amida Nyorai
- 2014年
- Ibaraki prefecture Kamisakiji Temple:Wooden Standing Statue of the Fudo Myo-o(The Sumitomo Foundation, Grant for Projects for the Protection, Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties outside Japan)
Tokyo Saikoji Temple : Wooden Standing Statue of Amida Nyorai and miniature shrine with double doors
- 2015年
- Hyogo prefecture Yabu City : Wooden Sitting Statue of Nyorai
Private collection : Wooden Sitting Statue of the Jizo Bosatsu
Tokyo NIchirinji Temple : Wooden Standing Statue of the Eleven-faced Kannnon Bodhisattva
Cultural Property Research
- 香川県:正花寺 菩薩立像
- 静岡県:松城家住宅
- 奈良県:頭塔
- 大安寺 楊柳観音菩薩立像、十一面観音菩薩立像、四天王立像、馬頭観音菩薩立像、聖観音菩薩立像、不空観音菩薩立像
- 唐招提寺 伝獅子吼菩薩立像、伝衆宝王菩薩立像
- 岡寺 如意輪観音菩薩坐像
- 奈良県:石井寺 三尊像
- 新薬師寺 薬師如来坐像および十二神将像
- 唐招提寺 伝薬師如来立像
- 神護寺 薬師如来坐像(京都国立博物館寄託)
- 静岡県:摩訶耶寺 千手観音菩薩立像
- 岐阜県:横蔵寺 大日如来坐像
- 室生寺 未神立像および辰神立像
- 諏訪市博物館:宮坂家文書及び宮彫道具一式
- 室生寺:釈迦如来立像
- 京都府:宝菩提院 菩薩踏下像
- 京都府:金剛心院 如来立像
- 東京藝術大学大学美術館:興福寺旧蔵十大弟子像心木
- 岩手県: 天台寺 聖観音菩薩立像
- 東京国立博物館:竹内久一作執金剛神立像